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Cast Your Care

"Cast your unto Jesus, for he cares for you"



 I was surprised to hear that you are having a mental block. I was even more surprised that you said it was an ongoing problem for you for many, many years. Looking at you, and all that you have achieved thus far, I would not have guessed it. 

I look at you and am shocked that you are experiencing this problem. But I think it’s that over the years, the difficulties experienced, even though they have been overcome, they’ve callused your mind, creating a protective wall that is averse to challenges. Because sometimes the hard things we pass through are exceptionally difficult; and although by grace we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, the impact of it stays with us. Our body remembers. We absorb that shock, and we create mechanisms to protect ourselves from going through it again. 

So, how do you cast away what is both a reminder of the past and a shield from perceived pain and hardship? 

It feels safer to stay behind the shield; it’s predictable. The past is more than enough evidence to convince you that what is behind the door will lead to disappointment. But why should that stop you from trying? Were you not plunged down valleys and still make it to the other side? Why should what happened previously stop you from believing for better? Why must what you survived make you a victim? The past may offer wisdom, at most a suggestion, but it cannot have decision-making power. 

I watched a video where a man said he failed over 600 times in 365 days. But he is alive. Still standing. Testifying that what did not kill him did not kill his ambition, his dream, his vision. He did not allow it. Those who give power to the past will be destroyed by it. Be careful of those who want to use the past to destroy your present and future. If in the past you did not use wisdom, remember only how lack of wisdom brought about an unfavourable result; but it doesn’t define you. It’s an opportunity now to do something different, to bring about an expected result. But to give it power to steal, kill, and destroy? It’s akin to allowing the dead to dictate the days of the living. 

I understand that you can’t take your power back in one round, sometimes. You must be like the consistency of the water drip. Water flowing smooth, without much pressure, without much force seems weak. But overtime, as it flows over the same rock, look how it polishes those rough edges and makes them smooth. Be like water. Slowly, consistently begin to put pressure on that wall that you have built, and be committed to bringing it down, remembering each time, that you overcame difficult moments; you made it through them when you didn’t know how you would. Sometimes you didn’t believe that you would overcome, but somehow, you made it to the other side.

There’s a scripture that says, “is my word not like a fire, and like a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces?” (Jer23:29). The word of God can break down the wall. You can’t put a time on it. There are walls that come down after weeks, months, some years. The word breaks down  walls and builds you up. But your heart has to believe it. It’s what I’ve also learned; that I’ve known things mentally, but my heart has not always been quick to believe it. I also thought that knowledge and belief culminated to the same thing, but it isn’t so.

Remember: no one is born knowing anything. Failure is part of life—it helps you learn; it teaches you, helps you be refined, be strong. I know you that you know all this. 

Cast your care. I’m confident this mental block will leave so that you can possess all that is set for you.

Believe that this door that you’re entering will be different, because you, too, have become different.  Cast your care.