For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
I recently had a conversation with someone, and this person repeated a scripture that my pastor had mentioned during bible study. Among other things, my pastor had emphasized that we ought to live by the word, for everything that pertains to life is found in it.
During my conversation with this person I stated that there are things that, by our actions, words, thoughts, feelings we consider to be a mystery that’s unsolvable. We are throwing things on the wall to see what sticks, we’re searching, seeking clarification but stumbling as though we are in the dark. But Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that the word reveals, it discerns a person’s thoughts and intentions. Every created thing stands naked before God; it is he who can search a person’s inner emotions and feelings.
During my conversation, the person revealed that it is by this scripture God often illuminates certain things to them. And it’s by this scripture that God also highlighted a fear that I was clinging to, a lie that I’d attributed to a lack of boundaries, but it was a matter of wrong belief, a lie that I was holding onto; it was like a razor cutting me up ever-so-slowly. God reminded me that his thoughts for me are good and not evil; that all good and perfect gifts come from him; that when I ask for bread, he will not give me a stone. His nature, and thoughts and desire toward me is good; thus, I. ought not to entertain the possibility that maybe he intends to do me harm in some round-about way.
Spending time in prayer, spending time reading the word, spending time with God takes the mystery out of the things that are influencing our own behaviours and the behaviours of others. As was highlighted to me, we often misinterpret people’s actions or words, and we get bent out of shape over a misunderstanding that could be resolved if we would hold our peace and let God iron out a wrinkle that we’re about to make into a mountain.
It's no wonder that we ought to live by the word. It examines us, cleanses us and helps us walk in the truth. It helps us see beyond what people show us and why we behave certain ways toward others. Because the word discerns emotions and thoughts, you don’t walk ignorant of thoughts and intentions of a person’s heart towards you, or the thoughts in your own heart. You only need to believe what God reveals.