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Villagers in Israel would not fight;
    they held back until I, Deborah, arose,
    until I arose, a mother in Israel.


I pray we become a generation that is bold and unafraid to live and have what God has for us. People of God, we are people who hold power but often we are the most passive, the most afraid. We walk about like figure heads, displayed for decoration but someone else pulling the strings of life. 

I don’t know, I have decided in myself that I am not going to be sad anymore when I see women of God, mighty in God live less than how God intended. Sometimes, some things are lessons for us: not just lessons of how we ought not to live, but it’s an illustration of what is meant when the bible says, “while men slept, an enemy sowed tares.” Because you can go to church, sing, praise, speak in tongues and be asleep. 

They are also lessons calling you to fight for your freedom. Fight for your life. Fight to see God’s will done in your life, I can’t stress this enough. Especially women. It must be a fight, where you’re willing to put everything, and I mean everything on the line so that God can give you your freedom. Your enemy cannot use your body, your children, your money, your job, your reputation, your career against you, because you must see God as the one who gives, and one who can restore. You must become the person that God has said you are. The cost is the blood of Jesus, and the price has been paid; you cannot reverse it.  The cost of your freedom is the life of God himself; so, we cannot continue to live bound and harassed.

 Learn to talk back. Learn to fight back. Learn to back up your words. Don’t make empty threats, follow through with every one of them, no matter how it inconveniences you. Don’t be afraid of people. Yes, learn restraint. Acquire wisdom, but don’t be bound. I greatly wish for liberty in our minds, in our souls, in our bodies, and in our lives. I wish for you to always enforce the liberty of Jesus in your lives, every day. Don’t be bound and held captive by family and friends and society. Don’t let your loyalty be a noose to you and your children, and your destiny and the work God has called you to. Don’t be a willing hostage; fight for yourself. Fight to set yourself free. There’s nothing in this life that you can lose that God cannot restore. There’s no material thing that you can lose that God cannot restore, please. Your life is more valuable than a house, than a car, than a job. Your employer can replace you faster than you can find a new job. Houses are being built, and houses are being sold. God is a God who, when others are saying there’s a casting down, he’ll make you say there’s a lifting up. At a time when jobs were plenty, once upon a time, I could not find employment. But when the world shut down and companies closed and people were losing jobs, my wells burst forth. He is a limitless God, and he is able. But I endured. But my time to endure hard things ended. 

Your time to endure hard things must end too.

I wish above many things that God will reveal his love to us his daughters, so we break free of toxic and unhealthy cycles. I wish above many things that the scales can fall from our eyes, and we see the truth; we experience God’s love, his care, his liberty—not just the liberty of the salvation of our soul but enforcing the power that he has given in our day to day lives. Take a decision. Enforce it, believing that God will help you. Ready to forsake all, if only you would be free. I wish we would desire freedom in Christ, peace in Christ. I wish some of us would desire to have peace, not just peace inside, but peace in our environment. I wish we would stop trading with the devil; permitting him in our environment, but convincing ourselves that it’s ok, because we have the peace of God.  Especially when you have power to remove him. I wish above many things that we would desire liberty. I wish we would desire liberty. I wish to God that daughters of God would cease to be comfortable with dysfunction. I wish God would break every form of bewitchment and bring liberation. I wish that God will melt the wax in his daughters’ ears so that they’d hear and understand.  I wish we’d let go of what we don’t want to lose and see the God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think. I wish we’d scrape off all these… things…I don’t know; is it shame? Is it disgrace? Is it disappointment? Expectations? And just despise all these things and trust God only. 

I wish I’d made different decisions myself.


I recently heard a man of God say that if he had not been a Christian and he was considering becoming one now, he would never do it, he would never serve God. Because of people. 

I was incredulous at his statement.

But today I understand him.

But I must love God despite what I have seen and am seeing and hearing. I must trust God despite I have seen and what I am seeing and hearing. I must trust God despite his people. I must trust God despite myself, and what I am experiencing.  I must despise all this for the glory that is before me. I must despise the contradictions and the despisable things, for what God has promised is ahead.

If not for God alone. If not for God alone. If not for God himself alone.

I would have walked away. 

But I must trust God. Because in human beings, I cannot trust. In humans, I cannot hope. In humans, I cannot put my faith. 

I pray that he will be your anchor that will keep your soul. I pray that we will know him un-abandonedly. I pray that we experience safety, and security in the shadow of our Father. I wish I had thoroughly trusted Him so that I could have had greater audacity.

I pray that this year more than any other year, if we are to be known, we’ll be known as people who have audacity. Not because we trust in ourselves, but we are fearless in God.