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Hold It

Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right



         I find myself saying, “Chenai, hold your peace.” I have to remember to guard my heart daily I’ve decided to dive headfirst into positivity, into changing my mindset, into maintaining this stance for all of the days of 2025. I find that the more I hold my peace, the more control I have of my thoughts about the situation, and the emotions that are being provoked.  I also find myself asking: ‘Why does that matter?’ “That has nothing to do with me anymore.” “That’s not my problem.” “I’m not responsible for anyone’s feelings and thoughts and life but my own.”

As time goes on, some battles are not worth getting into; they are not worth the “win” and surrendering peace is too expensive.  Often, one must make the decision to abstain from fights within seconds. I saw a post on Threads of a man saying he made a lifetime decision by pulling out a gun, over a situation that lasted 5-8 minutes. If he had maintained his composure, he would not have done 20 (or so) years in prison. The older that I am getting, the more I realize that we are all in a battle of some sort; everyone’s warfare is different, but the goal is the same: to disinherit you.

The fruit of self-control though, its leaves are breaking forth, and flowers are budding. And with its budding, there’s wisdom there. There are times that you’ve already won a battle, but your pride needs everyone to know. You want to prove a point. However, let’s bring back putting value on peace.

Hold your peace. Guard your heart. There’s wisdom nestled in the bosom of these two things. In guarding your heart, you remain in control of yourself, and you are not left feeling miserable and wretched, and like you just stepped in the worst dog poop in your best shoes, or you got pooped on by a bird on your way to an important event. 

Put a premium on peace. You'll find that after some time, it will be healing to your flesh, and health to your bones (Proverbs3:8). You'll learn to think decisively, confidently, and with a clear head. You're not moved by people or their words or false alarms. You'll learn to hear things twice: what is spoken outloud, and what is being concealed. 

It's a remarkable fruit, self-control. It's a gift that keeps on giving. So, hold your peace.