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High Risk, High Rewards


"If you don't go out on the branch, you're never going to get the best fruit." 

Sarah Parish


    Happy New Year!


    As I was washing dishes, I had a thought that "God is a God of high risk and high returns." The thought came because I was thinking about something that I read on Threads, where someone shared that they’d worked for a billionaire as an assistant, and a takeaway from the experience was that the lady took enormous risks, because the returns were massive.

But I suppose it’s not appropriate to say God is a God of high risk, high returns. But I think he pushes us to take what we consider high risks; although most times we can’t really see how it’ll produce any returns. 

What attitude does a person who takes high risk have? 

I think a life devoted to God is definitely high risk, high return. I say that because you need courage to serve; you need to sacrifice every aspect of your life; you must surrender control… and you are doing this by faith, not by sight. I don’t know if one can take a calculated risk when it comes to God, because I don’t think you can chart it mathematically. You can’t understand him logically. 


    When it comes to the start of the year, some weeks ago, I sensed that I won’t be doing a vision board or creating resolutions. I know what I need to do. I know what I want, and I know that it’s possible. When I think about what I would put on a vision board though, in order to attain those things, I’d have to take risks; step out of my comfort zone, set bold goals and be bold to achieve them, and focus on my strengths. The things I want to attain or achieve require cultivating a mindset conducive to high risk, high reward opportunities.


    Similarly, consider the book of Joshua. God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous, emphasizing: “have I not commanded you to be strong and of a good courage. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged” (Joshua1:9).  This was an opportunity for high rewards that God had prepared, but it required courage to possess; it required him to meditate on the word day and night – to have the right mindset and build his faith and subdue his fear. God promised his presence would be with him. He was set to possess occupied space, coming against trained armies and a people who would be ready to make alliances to defend their land, but his victory was assured if only he heeded God. They risked being annihilated by peoples stronger than they, but the reward was that they’d possess the land and have the promised place of settlement.


    So, this year, in order to win big, you gotta risk big. Be ambitious, step out of your comfort zone, set bold goals, trust God and where he leads; and whether you’re taking a calculated risk, or you’re letting God take the wheel, do not be afraid. Put to task the tasks required to achieve those goals, and you’ll possess what God promised.