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My Help

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."

1 Samuel 7:12


From time to time, I write things that encourage me, even on this blog. But there are days like yesterday where discouragement comes out of nowhere and all that I know to do seems to fail me.  

Yesterday, I had the privilege of being at bible study, and I thought I’d feel better after it ended, but that heaviness, although not as strong, still lingered. I decided to talk to my pastor about it; it’s not what I had intended to do, but it’s something that I’m slowly trying to practice: Practice asking for help, asking for prayer, especially for the “small stuff.” His prayer over me lifted off the heaviness, and by the time I got home, I felt better again.


 As I was thinking about this experience I wondered outloud: How do you get through a hard day/time as a Christian? 

Playing worship music is one way. The most remarkable thing that often happens when I’m distressed, panicked or worried, more times than not, a song will begin to play in my mind, and interrupt the flow of my thoughts, or drown them completely.  Recently, as this has been occurring I’m beginning to pay attention to the particular song my spirit raises, paying attention to the lyrics because in them I recognize God speaking his encouragement.  It’s comforting, and thinking of it now, he keeps in perfect peace whose mind is focused on him. Worship switches your focus off the problem, off yourself, and coaxes you to focus on God’s goodness, faithfulness, glory, strength, etc.


Reading the bible. Admittedly, I don’t do this in the midst of a bad day or distress, but you may be prompted to do so, and you ought to. Like a beautiful melody serenading you, the word enters and grounds you. There is so much falsehood around us, careless words spoken by people, and we can become unsettled by many things. In our distress, we can even turn against ourselves in our thoughts.  So, having scripture to ground you in the midst of chaos helps reinforce your identity in Christ as saved, sanctified, redeemed, and an overcomer of all things.  


Journalling. Whether it’s on my phone or an actual journal, again, writing grounds me. And often I find that I can encourage myself, and scriptures that I didn’t think I knew often come and I am strengthened. Sometimes I attempt to vent my emotions but instead the words I’m writing are opposite what I am feeling, and I feel that tension disperse. 


Prayer. I know often prayer is first for some, but depending on the issue, the strength to even bring the issue before God feels impossible. But pray anyway. Pray in your heart. Pray outloud. Pray. It doesn’t have to be a long, involved prayer. Sometimes it’s just a “Lord, I don’t have strength to pray but what is taking place is not normal and not from you, but my strength is failing me and I need your help.” In fact, I prayed a similar prayer yesterday, and out of nowhere I remembered this scripture that I used to say to myself many years ago: “my flesh and heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26). I’m not a whiz at scripture by any means, but it’s amazing what God will bring to your remembrance in a pinch. 


Taking a walk. I haven’t done this in a while, but I recommend it. I’ve gained amazing clarity on some things when I took walks. Separating yourself from your environment, even temporarily can allow other thoughts to flow. If you get used to the same four walls, the same ideas and  thoughts bounce back to you and you’ll drown in your own house.


I’m a Kdrama girlie, but sometimes that doesn’t hit the same when your mind is descending in chaos and half of you is fighting to keep your sanity and the other half wants to self-destruct.  Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions, and these are my top 5 that I incorporate interchangeably, depending on how deep the problem is. 


Do you have any suggestions to get through a rough time/day?