Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.Camille Pissarro
I took my car to the dealership and I had a shuttle ride back to my chosen destination. I asked the driver, a young-ish guy, if he has been working there long and if this is his main job. I felt his discomfort and the immediate way he said he does lots of things and then he said he was in school, and how he explained what he is doing.
As I’m sitting here, I’m just wondering why we do that. I certainly used to do that, overexplain or try to show that I’m doing more than what someone is seeing. I suppose on one hand it’s good, because you never know who you meet and how they can help. Moreover, you want to prove that you have ambition, that where you’re at is not your final destination. But sometimes, your job, no matter how it looks, is as good as it gets for that season.
I wouldn’t have thought anything of it, because I was more interested to get his perspective on the kind of people he has driven and what he thinks of them.
I think certain jobs, even when people cringe at them, if you’re in contact with other human beings, you have a window into the life, attitude, or behaviour of people. And that’s always fascinating to me. I had a reason to ask that, because I was curious about what he thought about the people who come in and out but I didn’t even get to my question.
I think the last person who I drove with was a bit more relaxed, and less guarded. I wonder if he thought I was going to be critical of him. I wonder what made him guarded.
Did I come off intimidating? Did I seem a certain way?
Anyway, this interaction reminded me of a time when I felt as though I had no direction in life. Everyone was already in their professional jobs and I was like a tumbleweed rolling through life, uncertain if the person I believed myself to be would ever be established. I didn’t believe that that season of my life would pass. But it passed.
Funny how sometimes we want to look good to other people, but truly, where are those people now? Do I talk to them? Do I see them? Do we have anything to do with each other? Am I even a thought in their minds or hearts?
I hope we learn not to care about what people think about our seasons in life. Unless they are there to comfort, and pray with us, or encourage, I think they’re just outsiders, spectators whose myopic opinions should remain outside. It’s not everyone who deserves an explanation about what we are doing or not doing. We don’t owe anyone anything.
Truly, life is not static. Things change, even if that change is gradual.
Nevertheless, God is funny. As I waited for the guy to pull up with the car, I stood looking at the cars around me, and I laughed to myself.
As long as He is orchestrating your steps, He’ll surely make you laugh.