Hi, my name is Chenai Mbanga! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I have been writing on this blog for 5 years now, and it has been a journey! Join me as I continue my journey toward self-actualizing.❤


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It's A Wrap


The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.


You’ve heard that when God blesses you it isn’t everyone that is happy for you. People’s displeasure may manifest in various ways. Sometimes that displeasure is outward, but it’s the one that you don’t see that can be dangerous. 

Spiritual warfare is real. It’s bewildering, because when I look at myself, and the behaviours, and words said and things being plotted behind the scenes, I ask God if I am the first person to have this blessing that these people should be unsettled like this.


But one thing about certain people, about the desperately wicked, is that it’s never about the blessing itself, but about power. They want to decide what a person will or will not have. They want to order the steps of man according to their will. They desire to be like God. They want to control your birth, your purpose, whether you’ll walk in your skill/talent, whether you’ll fulfill your purpose, whether you’ll marry, have children, have money; they want to determine the extent to which you have dominion, if you are to have it at all. They want to make you a puppet for their use.

They want to be the gatekeepers at the door of your destiny. 

But such wickedness shall not stand.

Listen: the Israelites entered into their promised land, a land that was occupied; and they needed courage to take hold of what God had said belonged to them. And how you see yourself will make a difference whether you’ll possess or you’ll be destroyed. If God says a thing is yours, do not look at yourself as a grasshopper in the face of the giants before you. The same God that says to take possession, will be the same God who will clear off all the giants of the land. They are nothing before you. They themselves are afraid, for they are no longer the most powerful in the land. Try as they might to hold their power, influence, or authority, God has already stripped them in the spirit. And you will see it physically if you don’t back down. At the moment, what you see physically is not a reflection of what has happened, but it’s about to be. They may yet look strong, making a show, boasting, but I know that they know something has changed.  I know that they know that they’ve lost.

The power they wielded is gone. The authority level has downgraded. They are scrambling and searching for something, anything to restore them to that former glory, but it’s no more. The word of God says God exalts one, and puts one down. The position has already been changed. The tables have turned.

Did God not reject Saul completely, even as he still reigned as king for many years? Saul was long rejected, long stripped of the kingdom before David finally sat on the throne. He was King in name, but something had changed. And he knew it.

 They know. 

They know, that’s why they are scrambling.

They know, that’s why they want to attack the blessing to feel a sense of control, to affirm in themselves and for themselves that their position as gatekeeper is solidified in stone. But the Rock of Ages has crushed them to pieces. Their days are numbered.

All their efforts shall come to nothing.  All that God has blessed you with, you will keep, nothing missing, nothing broken. The wicked had their days of rejoicing, but they’ve now come to an end. None shall ever rejoice over you. Wherever they dig to bring about evil, it will only bring about shame and disgrace for them.

Do not be moved by a person, or people who are lacking the self-awareness of their own demise. 

There’s a scripture in revelations that marvels me.  The church of the Laodiceans in Revelations3:17 said of themselves: “I am rich, I have acquired wealth, and do not need a thing,” but God says “you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”

God knows the true state of a person, of a people, a place, or thing. Don’t be mesmerized by gilded tombs.


All this to say: Time is up, it’s a wrap for those who do evil, those who destroy blessings, and those gatekeepers that have become pompous in their pride. They have been found wanting and their destruction is here.

Whatever they used to intimidate you in the past; whatever deception they maneuvered, whomever and whatever they manipulated in times past; whatever power, influence, and control they wielded once upon a time, has come to an end.


Hold your peace.


You are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Remain seated and watch God make your enemies your footstool.