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Commanded Blessing


Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

 Isaiah 64:4 NIV




As I was driving today Holy Spirit reminded me that I was, at that moment, living the promise of the word. He reminded me that what He whispered into my heart is now reality. Sincerely, I marveled at it, because when I remember the moment of that whisper and my disbelief, I mostly focus on how absurd the moment was. But I forget that He spoke a word, and what He spoke is exactly what is now in my hands. 


I often think that if I had allowed my impatience to overtake my faith, I would have missed the blessing completely. If I had drowned under doubt, under the facts of the situation, I would never have known what it is to experience a commanded blessing. 

If I had allowed others to convince me out of it; if I had decided not to endure and wait for the promise; if I had decided that it wasn’t worth waiting for, that I could get something within reach and equally as good… if I had not despised the shame, frustration, and disappointment of the wait, I would have experienced a great loss. 


Before this thing became reality, I often comforted myself by remembering that Abraham waited 25 years for his promise. And because he was obedient, he enjoyed blessings far more than he could have conceived in his heart. Moreover, his obedience blessed many generations, and is still blessing generations to this day.  It wasn’t meant to be a promise that alleviated his discomfort and made his faithfulness justifiable in the eyes of his community. It had implications that we still feel today. It was a seed that, from generation to generation, God’s promise, God’s voice is still speaking. It’s a reference for us. Abraham, hoping against hope, choosing to believe that despite the deadness of his wife’s womb, and his old age, God was able…. I, too, had to exercise this foolish faith, that despite what I lack, God is able.  I could not fully comprehend it at the time, but I fought to believe it. Had to believe it. God would confirm it in various ways, and I held on to it. I held on for dear life.


And you must hang on for dear life, because he that promised is faithful. Hang on for dear life even when it seems like it may never happen. Hang on for dear life, regardless of the time passing. Endure your cross, despise the shame of it; because when God exalts according to His time and season, you will relish the taste of His perfect will; you will be satisfied in it. Your blessing will do you in a way you can’t articulate with words.


I often would get discouraged. Time was passing. There was no wind, or rain to make me believe that something was happening. I would give up, but in His grace, Holy Spirit would remind me to hang on, just believe. Other days I would be hopeful.  Every time, I had to remind myself: “God is not a man that he should lie.” I read my word. I remembered Abraham. I remembered Jesus. I remembered Sarah. Hannah. Elizabeth. I remembered that God said when we believe him, we are blessed. I had to tell myself that God would keep his promise.


It's not that there weren’t other options; and it isn’t that I could not have, at any time, gone and taken possession of what I was looking for. I could have, but deep down, I wanted what God promised. I wanted the God-thing. I specifically wanted what He said to me.

And because of this, I caution you: don’t make a people-pleasing choice as Saul did, and by doing so, lost the kingdom. Not even the prophet could save him from his disobedience.

Don’t let fear, discouragement, or unbelief cause you to make a regrettable decision. Don’t convince yourself that “I have no choice.” You have a choice. Don’t make the cowardly choice to get out of the discomfort of waiting for what God has promised.  Don’t make a cowardly choice so you can save face, or so you can gain favour from someone, or so that someone won’t be upset with you. 

It's a sad day in the kingdom when children of God, we trade our inheritance for the sake of being liked, or for the sake of alleviating a discomfort that’s already temporary, or could’ve been temporary. We would rather suffer 40 years for something that should only take 11 days. 


Have faith in God. Not in yourself, because your feelings, reasonings, emotions will deceive you and drown you. Not in people, because the heart of man is desperately wicked.

Be strong, and very courageous. Search for God in His word. Let him confirm His promise to you, and move according to how He is directing you. 



“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (ESV)

Psalm 27:14