Hi, my name is Chenai Mbanga! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I have been writing on this blog for 5 years now, and it has been a journey! Join me as I continue my journey toward self-actualizing.❤


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Decisions and Things


Do not take to heart al the things that people say otherwise you'll hear your servant cursing you...


I was telling someone today that he needs to learn to fight for himself, fight for his destiny, fight for what he wants to achieve. I told him that he should care more about his life than he does of peoples’ opinions of his past or present.

Some people need to cling to someone’s past, because it gives them a sense of power over that person. Control is addictive. Everyone around is a chess piece and you align them at will. Deciding who goes where. And sometimes, these people they are highly trusted among friends, family, colleagues. They work too hard to create an image of goodness, but their Achilles heel is pride. They lose self-awareness; they’ve become good at performing humility rather than be transformed by it. 
But I digress.
I told him that no matter who offends him, he needs to lean on God in knowing whether it’s an offense that requires him to change his environment, or it’s something that he can push through. We get offended. Offences will come, as the Bible says. But, knowing what you want to achieve, even if you don’t know who or what is supposed to get you there, if where you are is where you’re supposed to be, then fight with your future in mind; don’t fight with your current feelings or pride in mind. There’ll be many things in life that’ll wound your pride, that’ll have you feeling disrespected, and your first instinct is flight. But despite the instinct to run, you must stay and fight. Staying feels weak, but what appears to be weakness is an opportunity to refine, to build wisdom, and to make one powerful. 

Certainly, if you permit healing to do its perfect work, you’ll grow wise after betrayal. And if you allow it, it won’t make you fearful of anything. Knowledge is power. More and more you begin to understand what it means for a person to be desperately wicked. More and more, you’ll start to understand certain mysteries…what is it that made the Israelites powerful, that despite them being afflicted in Egypt, they grew more numerous that it made Pharaoh fearful?

 In any case, he's not under oppression. But he’s at a crossroads of sorts. I told him to fight for himself, and his destiny.  If offence causes him to surrender his destiny, he was never worthy of it in the first place.