Hi, my name is Chenai! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I've even written a book -- make sure to check out Hindsight, currently available on Kindle! Don't be shy to reach out! I would love to hear from you! ❤

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Love Letter


I would not wish any companion in the world but you.

/The Tempest III.I/


This is my favourite version of you. This is the one that I’ve always loved. Carefree. No nonsense. Propelled by your vision. Unbothered. Not seeking permission. But walking to the sound of your own beat. And your beat is a beautiful melody. It’s a beautiful melody to you, and I can see it in your face. Your face is flushed, your eyes, those gorgeous dark eyes are like a thousand bright suns gloriously beaming, making your entire face burst in splendour. Your confidence is pouring from your body. I miss you so much. I have missed you so much. I love you. I’m in love with you. I thought I would be ok, that I could figure it out. I thought perhaps it was for the best; sometimes you wait, and wait; sometimes you make decisions that seem great in the moment but in hindsight… I’ve miss you terribly. I can’t believe that I ever attempted to believe that perhaps letting you go, leaving things as they were was better. That somehow this confirmed something. But it was just emotional nonsense. Foolish reasonings. I’ve always needed you with me. I need you. I want you. I love you. This time, come hell or highwater, I’m not letting you go. This time, God himself will have to come down and tear you from my hands. This time, I’m risking it all. Because at this point, at this time, at this moment, there is no one else. It can’t be anybody else. It’s you. It has always been you. This is my favourite version of you. This is the one that I’ve always loved. Carefree. No nonsense. Propelled by your vision. Unbothered. Not seeking permission. But walking to the sound of your own beat. And your beat is a beautiful melody. It’s a beautiful melody to you, and I can see it in your face. Your face is flushed, your eyes, those gorgeous dark eyes are like a thousand bright suns gloriously beaming, making your entire face burst in splendour. Your confidence is pouring from your body. I miss you so much. I have missed you so much. I love you. I’m in love with you. I thought I would be ok, that I could figure it out. I thought perhaps it was for the best; sometimes you wait, and wait; sometimes you make decisions that seem great in the moment but in hindsight… I’ve miss you terribly. I can’t believe that I ever attempted to believe that perhaps letting you go, leaving things as they were was better. That somehow this confirmed something. But it was just emotional nonsense. Foolish reasonings. I’ve always needed you with me. I need you. I want you. I love you. This time, come hell or highwater, I’m not letting you go. This time, God himself will have to come down and tear you from my hands. This time, I’m risking it all. Because at this point, at this time, at this moment, there is no one else. It can’t be anybody else. It’s you. It has always been you. 
