There is nothing that is impossible with God but you have to try. You have to want it. You have to be willing.
You have to be willing to remove the limits on your mind and do it His way, at His pace and direction.
You have to be willing to trust Him.
He is the God of all creation. All things are subject to Him.
There is a time & season for everything in heaven, so don’t be discouraged.
There is a time & season for everything in heaven, so don’t be fearful.
There is a time & season for everything in heaven, so do not panic.
Do not be moved by anything or anyone. But trust Him.
Trust the one taking you through the path. The path could always change; it could suddenly become crooked, it could easily wind back to where you just came.
But trust in the One who is leading you.
He makes crooked paths straight. He is the light on your path.
Trust Him.