Hi, my name is Chenai! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I've even written a book -- make sure to check out Hindsight, currently available on Kindle! Don't be shy to reach out! I would love to hear from you! ❤

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What are You Grateful For?



….be content with what you have… Hebrews 13:5


Be content. Contentment isn’t going to descend from on high and scatter these regrets and longings. You have to choose it, and fight anything and everything contrary to contentment. But it’s hard. It’s hard to be content with what I got because I can’t help thinking what if…If only… I should have….

What a precarious place to be, discontentment.


What are you grateful for?

I’m alive, I have my health

….but I feel that I am not making the best of it.

What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for this country, that I’m not living in a perpetual war. Even though there’s perpetual war….

What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for this skin, because God was intentional when he gave it to me. 

What are you grateful for?

That I can choose to have a glorious year if I put my mind to it. I am not in prison.

What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for my challenges that are pruning me to be courageous, resilient, emotionally and spiritually strong.

What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for my family and friends, forever present and comforting in their unique ways.

What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for the car I drive which gets me to where I need to daily.

What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for the house I live in and the space that is my own to have.

What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for my spiritual leaders, whose intentionality, devotion and dedication compels me to be intentional with my own life. 

What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for this breath that I did not labor nor toil for.


What are you grateful for?

That despite everything going on around me I have peace and I can sleep.


What are you grateful for?


What are you grateful for?


What are you grateful for?

pic via @africa_and_blackculture 
