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Remember, Remember

pic via @africanprintsinfashion

Don’t surrender to your doubts. Remember what God has done for you from before. Remember how He showed up for you and strengthened you through an occasion you were convinced would surely destroy you. 



In 2 Chronicles 20, an army was coming against the children of Israel, an army much stronger than them. And King Jehoshaphat called for a fast and inquired of the Lord. And God assured them that the battle was His, and they should rather go and meet this great army coming against them. Imagine that. “I’m going to fight for you, but go to the battle field and meet your enemy.” And they praised and danced on their way to the battlefield, and they didn’t have to do a thing other than collect the plunder of their enemies.

King Jehoshaphat remembered how God had rescued them from before; he acknowledged that his armies were no match for their enemies, and pleaded for God to come and help them. He remembered what God had done. And that’s something to consider. Remember how God has delivered you from your past circumstances. Remember how He showed up and helped you. Remember how He got you through. It doesn’t matter if last time required less effort, less finessing, less time, less people than this time. The constant is that He showed up and did it. God can save by many or by few. Or He saves by himself, no human required.  But do you trust Him to do it? Do you remember what He did for you last time? Can you look at the Goliaths in your life and say, “the battle is not mine, but the Lord’s, and He will deliver you into my hands”? 


Will you trust God when He tells you to go ahead, even if you don’t have feel qualified, capable; and you feel more like fraud or undeserving? Will you trust Him when He says that He is fighting for you?



|For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 NIV|