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Heart Exposed


"For there is no truth in their mouth; their inmost self is destruction; their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue" | Psalm 5:9 |

You do a lot of believing in God in your heart. You are good at believing him there, yet your actions do not show it.  You commit to him on Sunday, and cheat Monday through Saturday. If you even make it on Sundays.

You say that you believe, but your belief must be reflected through your actions, otherwise, what do you really believe? Are not your actions the evidence of what is in your heart and mind?  Loving and serving Him is not like how you love and serve your peers; outwardly showing grace and love and kindness, whilst your heart rages against them and despises them. 

Is it a wonder that Jesus said “if you love me keep my commandments.”? Because He knows you; He knows that you’ll love only in secret, while outwardly following your own reasoning and rationale about how to conduct your life. And He puts that love to the test, to separate those who love Him faithfully, and those who love Him superficially.

God says that His grace is sufficient. All it requires is for you to believe it, but you insist your sin is too great. He shows you that his son died for that sin, and you tell him His death wasn’t enough. But you’re convinced that you “love” him.  How come your version of love tramples the son of God and insults the Spirit of Grace?

Imagine being the one who gives love and the person you give it to, at every turn, in every situation, both public and private, shouts that the love is not enough. And you do this to God because he is God, and His mercies endure forever. Until the day comes, because it always comes, and He can no longer endure you despising him and His gift, and His mercy, and the blood of His son that He freely gave to you so you would not continue to suffer, but that you live and reign with him in a place where there will be no suffering, no weeping. 

Instead you would rather disinherit yourself from His kingdom, refusing to be washed and sanctified and justified. But His grace remains. Because you are right, His mercies are forever.  He won’t stop being merciful because you reject Him. 

But look at your heart. And your actions, and your words. Let them be in alignment. Because your actions are snitching on you. 

Lay down your pride and contempt for yourself and life, and let Him make right what is wrong and heal what is broken and give you an opportunity to live. 

And really, if you love Him as you say you do, it’s time that your actions reflect that.

Otherwise you are not fooling anyone.

Certainly not God. 

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven |Hebrews 12:25|



Pic via @fashizblack