Hi, my name is Chenai! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I've even written a book -- make sure to check out Hindsight, currently available on Kindle! Don't be shy to reach out! I would love to hear from you! ❤

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Whenever I forget, and the problems seem so much bigger, because surely He sees the trouble I'm in. Does He not see the weariness in my bones, the bags under my eyes, the uncombed hair, the fatigue in my body and soul... And if these mountains are still before me, maybe...just maybe, it's beyond Him..
But there's a still small voice that reminds me: if you believe that He created the heavens and the earth, and all that is seen, and if I believe that He holds all things in His hands, then surely He is able to remove, fix or carry me through it.
  And so I fight to entrench in my mind that His ability is greater than I can currently fathom. That this desire is not too difficult for him to bring; that this weight can never be too cumbersome to carry; that in the midst of it all, His presence is the best place to reside.
The troubles I encounter always seem grandiose, insurmountable. They require new strategies, and a continual mindset renewal and I get overwhelmed. But I have learned to take a step back and remind myself that He who holds all things has equipped me to stand, is able to deliever me, and is able to raise me up to a new place/territory. 

And so, let every mountain bow to the God of all creation. Every mountain, hill, and valley before me must know its place. Whatever has caused me stress, frustration, and sowed discord, frustration, and fear, and whatever has blocked my footsteps, my plans, and expectations are works of creation.  And as God has dominion over all things in heaven, on the earth and underneath it, everything must bow to His command. And as I have been given power, authority and dominion over the earth through Christ, nothing shall by any means hurt me, vex me, steal my peace, or control my emotions). 
|Look, I have given you authority over the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. Like 10:19 NIV|