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Proverbs 31

It is said:
Wisdom is a woman. And woman, you are wisdom.
You are not the wisdom of this world, borne of the will of man---his reasoning, science, feelings or experience; nor of common sense of this age. Your heart discerns beyond the confusion and chaos: you promise peace and security.  
You hold in you a contradiction that perplexes me. You suffer long and hard, with the name of the Lord on your lips. Even when you are surrounded by chaos and confusion, deceit and betrayal, you lift your head in defiance, drawing on the cistern of a heaven that seems illusive most days.
And yet I see it revitalizing you, empowering you, strengthening you. 

It is said:
…the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Heaven kept its promise.
Your submissiveness and mercy is God-like, drawing confusion and misunderstanding. It is foolishness to the world, foolishness to me. But you continue to soar like an eagle above clouds saturated with water and flashing lightning. The rain pours down like a flood; but your crops hold strong and you produce good fruit.
You look well to the  ways of your household…you eat not the bread of idleness. The work of your hands has sustained many; your hands have woven great tapestries that stretch across continents.  Out of the overflow of your heart springs wisdom borne in joy, pain, disappointment, victory, mercy, understanding...Strength and honor have become your clothing. 
Remain a mighty pillar; even as you suffer for doing good know that you are blessed. You are a wife of noble character, one who surpasses all others. 

Woman, you are greatly to be praised.


pic via @thepanafrican