Hi, my name is Chenai Mbanga! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I have been writing on this blog for 5 years now, and it has been a journey! Join me as I continue my journey toward self-actualizing.❤


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    Hindsight is my first book! Read about where the idea came from, why I think it’s important, and how it’s the book that led to self-actualization.♡
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    I’m the founder and owner of amazing plant based hair and body butter! Transform your hair and skin with our natural plant butters and oils!♡
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I’ve written this before, and it is in me to repeat it again: at least in my experience, I have learned that there are people who care about what we are doing [in life] and are determined to be a stumbling block to us. There are people throughout history whose lives were cut short, by overzealous, obsessive fans or …

Courage To Trust

I’m in this weird place spiritually, where I want to walk confidently in what I know the Spirit is leading me to, while also trying to make sure I’m not walk in arrogance of my thoughts and reasonings. When you’re second-guessed so much, and have second-guessed yourself in greater measure, it feels as though you …


Great is your love toward me, your faithfulness endures forever  Ps. 117:2 ** I don’t have anything to write. I woke up at 5am wondering what it is that I will post today. I sat for 45 minutes and could not think of a single thing. And I told myself that I wasn’t going to make a post for today. But here we are. It’s m…


I was sharing with a friend how I’m grateful to God for life. I believe God is making me aware of some of the things that he is protecting me from as I drive around and as I go about my day-to-day. More than once I’ve experienced moments where he has shielded me from disaster. He has kept me safe, and I find myself …

Thoughts & Intentions

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews12:4 *   I recently had a conversation with someone, and this person repeated a scripture that my pastor had mention…